“Having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body. Conveniently, the things that keep our body healthy - like good nutrition, exercise and sleep, are also things that keep our mind healthy” - Virgin Pulse & Dr D Batman 2019

“70% of the leaders in our survey said that sleep management should be taught in organization, just as time management and communication skills are now” - McKinsey Survey, Fev. 2016

“A good night’s sleep is just as beneficial to the employee as to the boss. A study by Harvard University published in the journal Sleep has quantified the cost of insomnia in the workplace : it amounts 63 billion dollars per year in lost productivity. 23% of American workers would be affected”

“When the boss doesn’t feel rested, the whole unit pays the price” & “A nap can speed up cognitive processing, decrease errors, and increase stamina” - Harvard Business Review, Sleep well, Lead better, by Christopher M. Barnes, from September-October 2018 Issue

“About 3% of the population has a gene that allows them to sleep between 4 and 6 hours a night. All the others are sleep deprived” - Dr Inge Declercq

“Someone who’s awake for more than 18 hours in a row, will perform as if he or she has a blood alcohol level of 0,8 pro mille” - Dr Inge Declercq

“Sleeping 4 hours a night reduces testosterone levels by an equivalent of 11 years of aging” - Dr Inge Declercq

“People who sleep less than 6 hours per night are 30% more likely to become obese than those who sleep a minimum of seven hours per night” - Dr Inge Declercq

“Every aspect of who you are as a human, every capability is degraded, impaired, when you lose sleep. What does that mean ? Your decision-making, reaction time, situational awareness, memory, communication, and those things go down by 20 to 50%” - Mark Rosekind (ex-NASA)

“If used correctly and regularly, exercise has shown to improve sleep quality. For busy leaders, there are various exercise routines that take as little as 7 minutes per day” - Dr Inge Declercq

“1% dehydration means 10% lower performance” - Hydratation and cognition: a critical review and recommandations for future research. Lieberman HR J Am Coll Nutr 2007

“COVID-19 : 52% of patients with critical symptoms had a very low vitamin D level (<20 ng/ml) while only 2% of patients with mild symptoms” - GrassrootsHealth 4/2020